FAST Records

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 FAST will be issuing permanent car numbers for cars competing in the FAST Class Only (at this time)

All cars that race in FAST events are eligible for number, preference has been given to racers who have

 run in the past 5 years, and to those who are higher on the ET list.

All numbers must be 3 or 4 digits, and must start with the letter F 

Cars without a designated number will be issued one at each event

 If you order lettering for your car, we advise following the NHRA guidelines for size:

Numbers on side windows must be a minimum 6 inches high and 1 ½ inches wide. Class designation letters must be a minimum

3 inches high and 1 inch wide. Numbers and class designation on windshield must be a minimum of 3 inches high and 1 inch wide.

email us at if you want to reserve a number.

FAST records are determined by the first 3 numbers beyond the decimal place, and additional numbers are discarded

IE: 10.6325 is officially recognized as 10.632.

This is due to the different tracks we travel to and the limitations of the different scoring systems.

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